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윈8에서 익스플로러8 돌리기...

5. Computer/51. Windows

by Smart Teacher 2013. 4. 16. 18:15


요새 윈8일 기본으로 깔린 PC들 많이 있을 거라 생각합니다.

학교에서 근무하는 상황에서 교무-업무 시스템이 안 되면 울며 겨자먹기로 밀고서 윈7을 설치하는데....

윈8에서도 익스플로러8 모드로 실행시킬 수 있네요. 저만 처음 알았나요? ^^

QUESTION I need to access a website using Internet Explorer 8.0, but since upgrading to Windows 8 I now have Internet Explorer 10.0. How can I can use Internet Explorer 8.0 with Windows 8?

HELPROOM ANSWER Internet Explorer 10.0 has some hidden developer options that let you select various compatibility modes for previous versions of Internet Explorer. Open Internet Explorer in desktop mode and press F12 to bring up the Developer Tools at the bottom of the page.

In the Developer Tools menu bar you will find entries marked Browser Mode and Document Mode. Click Browser Mode to select a previous version of the browser, then do the same with Document Mode.

Alternatively, you could use virtualisation software, such as VMware, VirtualBox or, if you're running Windows 8 Pro, the built-in Hyper-X, to run a previous version of Windows with Internet Explorer 8.0 installed. Note that this will require a licence for each virtual Windows installatio

Read more: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/software/3422821/how-use-ie8-in-windows-8/#ixzz2QcCgsW3m

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